Friday, February 27, 2009

Load up on guns, bring your friends...

Oh New York, I love you so much. I went out today, with no real purpose, simply to get out of the house. I didn't meet up with anyone I knew, I just went out on my own. I was walking down Madison Avenue when I realized how much I love this city. No matter how down I'm feeling, whenever I just go out for a walk through Manhattan, I feel like I'm so at home that nothing else matters. I live and breathe New York. This city is what keeps me alive. In the past I've thought about going away to college, and with my transfer coming up next semester I was seriously considering it. But, you know what? I couldn't do it. I know I wouldn't be happy. I love New York, and simply can't see myself living anywhere else now.
I do, however, need to fix this complete boring life I've been having. I need a partner in crime, a sidekick, or even an apprentice. Someone to come with me for my little adventures. Sure, I have a few really good friends, but even if they'd like to, they can't be around very much. I could also use a girlfriend. Speaking of which, that hunt is going pretty poorly. Someone told me my standards are too high, but I doubt that, and I refuse to lower them.
Sadly, I don't have a picture to attach here. I wish I had some nice night shots of the city, but I haven't taken any yet. It's been too cold. Today would have been perfect, but of course I didn't think to bring my camera downtown with me. Oh, well. It's going to rain tomorrow. I guess I'll try for the weekend.
Goodnight, readers. Adieu.

[This post brought to you during Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit]

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