So, I just ordered my new laptop. I'm getting the 13inch white Mac Book. I decided on a Mac for a change of OS. I'm using Vista (which I love) on my main PC, and XP on my spare. The laptop should get here right around my birthday (Feb6). This should fall in well with the time I get my new camera. Hopefully I'll be able to familiarize myself with all of Apple's neat photo editing / manipulating software.
On a completely unrelated note, I came across this picture a while back and fell in love with it. I've got what's probably an unhealthy obsession with zombies, and the zombie apocalypse, and have made myself very prepared to take on anything that might happen. Weather it's the slow-moving "shambler" zombies or the sprinting "rage" zombies, I'm ready for anything.
"Sometimes I wish the zombie apocalypse would happen,
because I think I could make it.
And I think I could save you.
Maybe we could find a cure and save the world,
or maybe we'd just fall in love."
I also have an unhealthy obsession with zombies! lol They rule and I would totally be ready for a zombie apocalypse...I have my machete alll fired up!