Saturday, January 17, 2009

From Bad To Worse

I need to throw another update on here, to remind you that I haven't forgotten about you, my little Blog. I've seem to have come across a stop in my quest to reenter the world of photography. The camera that I use is an old model, and because of that many of its replacement parts are hard to find. Apparently these rarities include its battery, which has died, and I have been completely unable to repurchase. Living in New York City, you would think that were would be a camera store somewhere that would sell one of these things. Apparently, though, the only place I can find a new battery is the great series of tubes known as the internets. In this case, though, the shipping charges on the purchase almost double the cost of the actual battery its self. This seems insane, and so I've hesitated to make the purchase.
On a more personal note, school is going well. I'm entering my third week with no real complaints except for those concerning my peers in some of my classes. Sitting among those who can hardly read, write, or even think has shown me how much I hate my school and must work to get out of it. Relationship wise, I'm going nowhere fast. I've been advised to back away from the dating scene, and enjoy the single life for a while. Although I can probably do that, the opportunity ahead of me seems too great to pass up. I've met a wonderful, hard working, and head strong individual whom I think I could have a really amazing time with. We seem to be two rather opposite people in my aspects, though. Maybe this will turn out to be a positive thing. Won't know till I try, though. Wish me luck, reader(s)!

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