Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mac Books and Zombies.

So, I just ordered my new laptop. I'm getting the 13inch white Mac Book. I decided on a Mac for a change of OS. I'm using Vista (which I love) on my main PC, and XP on my spare. The laptop should get here right around my birthday (Feb6). This should fall in well with the time I get my new camera. Hopefully I'll be able to familiarize myself with all of Apple's neat photo editing / manipulating software.
On a completely unrelated note, I came across this picture a while back and fell in love with it. I've got what's probably an unhealthy obsession with zombies, and the zombie apocalypse, and have made myself very prepared to take on anything that might happen. Weather it's the slow-moving "shambler" zombies or the sprinting "rage" zombies, I'm ready for anything.

"Sometimes I wish the zombie apocalypse would happen,
because I think I could make it.
And I think I could save you.
Maybe we could find a cure and save the world,
or maybe we'd just fall in love."

Saturday, January 17, 2009

From Bad To Worse

I need to throw another update on here, to remind you that I haven't forgotten about you, my little Blog. I've seem to have come across a stop in my quest to reenter the world of photography. The camera that I use is an old model, and because of that many of its replacement parts are hard to find. Apparently these rarities include its battery, which has died, and I have been completely unable to repurchase. Living in New York City, you would think that were would be a camera store somewhere that would sell one of these things. Apparently, though, the only place I can find a new battery is the great series of tubes known as the internets. In this case, though, the shipping charges on the purchase almost double the cost of the actual battery its self. This seems insane, and so I've hesitated to make the purchase.
On a more personal note, school is going well. I'm entering my third week with no real complaints except for those concerning my peers in some of my classes. Sitting among those who can hardly read, write, or even think has shown me how much I hate my school and must work to get out of it. Relationship wise, I'm going nowhere fast. I've been advised to back away from the dating scene, and enjoy the single life for a while. Although I can probably do that, the opportunity ahead of me seems too great to pass up. I've met a wonderful, hard working, and head strong individual whom I think I could have a really amazing time with. We seem to be two rather opposite people in my aspects, though. Maybe this will turn out to be a positive thing. Won't know till I try, though. Wish me luck, reader(s)!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Gaps in Updates

No, my little blog, I have not forgotten about you. School's winter session has just started, and that means a whole lot less free time Mon-Thurs. Hopefully I'll also be spending some weekend time with my lady-friend, so that leaves... not a lot of time for you. Hopefully I'll find a better iPhone app so I can do my updates on the fly. I need to get a new battery for this camera so I can get more shots up. That should be coming soon.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Closing Comments of Day Two

I'm Happy with the way some of these photos came out, today. Granted, I'm only happy with about a quarter of all the shots I took, but I suppose that's not bad. I also toasted about five of my shots, by accident. I forgot that I took the auto-rewind off of the camera, and when I got to the end of the roll, I popped the film door open. That exposed the unwound film to the light and completely whited out a good number of shots.

I need to buy a new battery, tomorrow, but apparently CVS doesn't carry the type I need any more. I'm thinking of heading downtown to J&R to see if I can find a new one, there. Wish me luck!


Originally uploaded by FrozenGlory
There is something VERY wrong with this picture. I noticed it right away, but I have absolutely no idea how things got like that. It's actually rather creepy. Maybe my camera is haunted and it has its own sense of time and reality? Any way... I wanted this to be a shot of the car in focus, and the world spinning by around it. It almost worked, then another car passed in front of it. made for some rather strange results. I think I should have adjusted the shutter speed, some, and I definitely have to work on keeping my hands steady.

Coke on the counter.

Originally uploaded by FrozenGlory
Coke on the counter, add no, it's not in lines. I could make a long post about how the fading of the household and the emboldening of the cola can represent the rise of consumerism in the American household, and how we are starting to put more and more importance on brand-name items. I could write about how anywhere in the world, if you say the word Coca-Cola, people will know what you mean. I could write about how (according to many conspiracy theorists) Coca-Cola has links to the devil.

I won't, though. I'll just criticize the picture for being blurry, even after I edited it.


Originally uploaded by FrozenGlory
I'm keeping a note of this photograph less because of its content, and more because of what photoshop was able to do with it. The original shot was rather bright, and I didn't care for it, but with a little editing I've managed to fake some low-light conditions, similar to a sunrise or sunset on a clear day.

The Back Alley

Originally uploaded by FrozenGlory
The back alley behind a furniture store on Williamsbridge Rd. The place always struck me as a little creepy, and to be honest it's a walk I avoid at night. So when I was walking past it, I couldn't help but stop and snap a photo. Now I have the urge to sneak back there and look around.

Morris Park

I got home a little while ago from walking around my neighborhood, eating through a 12 exposure roll of film. I dropped that roll, and yesterday's roll of shots in my kitchen, off at CVS to get them developed. I'm getting them put on CD as well. I'm just testing prices, and I want to see how the quality is. I'm not sure if I'll get my future prints on gloss and then scan them onto my PC for uploading to my albums, or if I'll have them put right on to CDs.

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Setting up at Night

Setting up at Night
Originally uploaded by FrozenGlory
So this is my camera, that I will be taking my 35mm photos with. It's an old Canon AE-1 SLR. It was a gift from my father, his old camera which he used (before I was born) to take some amazing photographs around New York City. Hopefully, I'll be doing some of the same. To the right is the newly repaired detachable flash and some Kodak / Fuji 400 12exposure film.

Also- beer mug pajamas.

The Beginning

Beginning with a simple post from my iPhone. I don't know what I've been waiting for, with all this. I set up a Flickr account ( probably around a year ago, and I've been wanting to start a photo blog ever since. Finally, at the start of 2009, here we are. I'll be using this blog to write more detailed descriptions of my Flickr hosted photos, as well as keep up on my life story. So, I suppose that makes this less of a photo blog, and more of a personal one? I know, let's call it a hybrid.

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